Individuals and groups making music
Chorus assembles 72 musical greetings cards into an automated choir, driven by a software conductor. Each card is mounted on an arm controlled by muscle wire. When the software conductor sends a signal for the card/voice to sing, the wire contracts and the card opens, triggering the audio to play. Some are tinny tunes (happy birthday to you...), some are sound effects (a baby crying; clapping; an orgasm). The resulting four-minute piece is a work of audio and visual choreography.
Gallery installation
Chorus was part of the show ‘Soda’ at Lux Gallery, London, 1998. Works by the other members of Soda at the time, Neal White, Fiddian Warman and Julian Saunderson, were also shown.
Created with the help of Hugh Mallinder
Chorus, Lux Gallery, London, 1998